API versions - history

Here, we provide a comprehensive record of the evolution of our API specifications.

Explore the timeline to gain insights into the enhancements, updates, and optimizations that have been meticulously implemented to ensure a seamless and robust experience for our users and developers.

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API version 1.8.0

📅 Publish date: 2024-07-24

📓 Release notes:

📁 File:

API version 1.6.0

📅 Publish date: 2024-06-19

📓 Release notes:

  1. Allow uploading externally calculated risk scores to the case:

📁 File:

API version 1.5.3

📅 Publish date: 2024-05-10

📓 Release notes:

  1. Bugfix - include "invitation_url" in the response to /invite/corporates

  2. Allow API users to decide, if Gatenox Hub should send an invitation email to the corporate customer. By default, it is set to false.

📁 File:

API version 1.5.1

📅 Publish date: 2024-04-25

📓 Release notes:

  1. Add "customer_id" to connect invitations and verifications with external systems ( Corporate verifications).

📁 File:

API version 1.4.0

📅 Publish date: 2024-04-10

📓 Release notes:

  1. Allow requesting for crypto address reports from AMLBot.

📁 File:

API version 1.3.5

📅 Publish date: 2024-01-11

📓 Release notes:

  1. Add "customer_id" to connect invitations and verifications with external systems ( Individual verifications).

📁 File:

API version 1.3.4

📅 Publish date: 2023-11-30

📓 Release notes:

  1. Add "personal_verification_id" to connect invitations with verifications ( Individual verifications).

📁 File:

API version 1.3.2

📅 Publish date: 2023-11-23

📓 Release notes:

  1. Add API support for sanctions / PEP / criminal records check without creating the case.

  2. Add API support for crypto address verification (report) without creating the case.

  3. Add audit log information to the details in the individual verification endpoint.

📁 File:

API version 1.3.1

📅 Publish date: 2023-10-11

📓 Release notes:

  1. Allow to define redirect URL at the end of individual KYC process.

📁 File:

API version 1.3.0

📅 Publish date: 2023-06-15

📓 Release notes:

  1. API support for invite to individual KYC verification process.

📁 File:

Last updated