Complete required company data

The "Company Profile" screen provides a summary of their current onboarding progress and company profile information. This screen also displays notifications about any missing information that is required to complete the onboarding process.

Current onboarding - missing data required by Partner
Current onboarding - missing data required by Partner

The notifications are grouped into nine areas, plus a "Summary" section:

  1. Business Identity: This section includes information about the legal name, registration number, and other identifying details of the business: Business Identity.

  2. Business Details: This section includes information about the industry, company size, website, and other details about the business: Business Details.

  3. Business Addresses: This section includes information about the physical and mailing addresses of the business: Business Addresses.

  4. Business Financials: This section includes information about the financial data, such as TAX number or crypto addresses list:Business Financials.

  5. Business Representatives: This section includes information about the people who represent the business, such as directors and representatives:Business Representatives.

  6. Contact Details: This section includes information about the main point of contact for the business, such as the email address and phone number: Contact Details.

  7. Shareholders: This section includes information about the shareholders of the business, such as their names and percentage of ownership: Shareholders.

  8. Proposed UBOs: This section includes information about the proposed ultimate beneficial owners (UBOs) calculated based on data provided on "Shareholder" screen: Proposed UBOs.

  9. UBOs: This section includes information about the actual ultimate beneficial owners (UBOs) of the business, if applicable: UBOs.

Find out more about completing your profile based on Partner's requirements in the linked docs.

Alternatively, you can check the details of missing data on the "Review and finish" screen (Review and finish).

Review and finish - missing data
Review and finish - missing data

If you have completed all data required by Partner let's share your profile: Share my profile.

Last updated